At North Hants Golf Club, we work hard to limit environmental impact through our activities. We consider sustainability and environmental impacts in everything we do and focus on reducing our carbon footprint while delivering the best value to our members. Success in this area is partly measured through our GEO certification, which the club achieved in February 2023.
"North Hants Golf Club have undertaken some fantastic projects across the key areas of enhancing the natural environment, managing, and reducing resource use, and engaging with stakeholders. Managing the woodland through thinning, using the waste to create habitat, and encouraging heathland restoration by reducing close management of key areas are great examples of the easy co-existence of golf and nature. The upgrades to LED lighting have reduced consumption and the plans to install renewable energy show the progressive attitude to management as we are all faced with uncertainty around fossil fuels price and availability. Well done and keep up the good work." Tony Hanson CIWFM, AMICE & PIEMA (GEO accredited independent verifier) February 2023.
Some Our GEO Cerfification highlights can be seen below. If you click on the graphic it will take you to our full GEO profile page.
North Hants Golf Club Ltd is committed to preventing pollution and to complying with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and other environmental requirements. We will regularly evaluate the environmental impact of our activities, products and services and we will take action to continually improve our environmental performance. It is our policy to:
We will define environmental objectives, targets and improvement actions that are related to this policy and to our significant environmental aspects. We will regularly evaluate progress.
We are committed to providing relevant environmental training and promoting environmental awareness to employees and, where appropriate, to suppliers and to communicating our environmental performance. We will implement processes to prevent environmental non-conformities and to ensure that we are prepared to deal with potential environmental emergencies. This policy will be regularly reviewed and updated to take account of organisational priorities and changes, environmental legislation and best practice.