In the event of a member suffering a long-term injury or illness the Captain's Committee will consider offering a rebate on future subscriptions. The Club Policy is that any injury or illness of six months or less will under no circumstances be considered for any compensation. In the event of genuine illness or injury of any description, for which appropriate medical certification may be requested at the discretion of the Committee, which causes a member to be "˜off games' for golfing purposes for more than six consecutive months, then the Committee may award an appropriate discount on the Member's following year subscription.
This discount will equate to the number of months over six which the member is unable to play - up to a maximum of a further six months (i.e. twelve months injury). For example if a Member is unable to play through genuine injury/illness for 8 consecutive months in 2021, then he/she will be entitled to a two month rebate off the 2022 subscription.
A Member becoming aware that they will prospectively be "off games" for a period of at least 6 months or a Member finding that they have been "off games" for 6 months may notify the Assistant General Manager in writing, describing their circumstances and anticipated length of absence.
The Assistant General Manager will provide the member with a copy of the policy and inform the member of its application in their specific circumstances. The Assistant General Manager will include the matter for consideration at the next scheduled Captain's Committee meeting. Following such meeting a member of the committee may , at the committee's discretion, contact the member to ensure they have understood and are satisfied with the application of the policy to their case.
This policy is applied evenly to all members however should a member be dissatisfied with the application of the policy in their case they will have a right to appeal , in writing, to the Captain's Committee whose judgment shall be considered final.