The Captain's Committee will, from time to time, make new regulations and/or alter and repeal all or any of these Regulations as it may deem necessary or expedient or convenient for the proper operation and conduct of members and guests on the Course and in the Clubhouse. Any change which could affect the financial performance of the Club shall be referred to the Management Committee for approval. In the event of any inconsistency between these regulations and the Articles of Association, the Articles of Association of the Club will take precedence.
The Captain's Committee shall bring notice of all such Regulations (or alterations or appeals thereof) to the attention of Members.
The General Manager shall have the authority to amend on a day-to-day basis regulations for:
(i) The use of the Clubhouse and its facilities by Members and visitors.
(ii) The regulation of play on, and the upkeep and preservation of the course.
(iii) The organisation and regulation of competitions and matches.
Any such amendment to the regulations will be exhibited in the appropriate place and will be valid from the date of posting. Where appropriate, any amendments to regulations will be submitted for approval to the next meeting of the Captain's Committee.
Due to course works taking place from September 30th 2024 the following amendments to the regulations will apply to all members until further notice.
1. The golf course will be open for 9 holes only at those times as advised via the online club diary and course status alert. There will be no matrix in play.
2. At those times when 18 holes are open as advised by the diary and course status alert, the existing playing matrix will be in play.
3. Full members may sign in up to three guests Monday to Friday at a cost of £35 for 18 holes and £20 for 9 holes per guest.
4. Full members may sign in up to three guests after 10am on a Saturday and Sunday at a cost of £35 for 18 holes and £20 for 9 holes per guest with prior permission from the professional shop. (This is to monitor and ensure multiple member guest groups are not playing during the same busy period and thus limiting member access)
5. Members and their guests playing casual golf (e.g. not roll-ups) may play a second 9-holes if the first tee of the day is clear when they are ready to play their tee shot. Those starting their round will have priority at all times.
6. There will be no visitor play, including societies.
7. General Play and Competition qualifying cards at North Hants cannot be accepted.
8.Established and published roll-ups may continue to operate on a 9-hole basis.
9. It is expected that all members display courtesy respect at all times aligned to the Conduct policy below.
10. The Halfway Hut will open as usual on the days where 18 holes are in play but not on days where only 9 holes are in play.
11. Please pay attention to health and safety and other signage relating to the course works. Members must not attempt to retrieve their golf ball from working areas which are roped off or marked as ground under repair or from in and around plant machinery.
North Hants Golf Club prides itself on it's warm, welcoming, friendly, and safe culture built around a set of core values. This has built up over many years and along with the golf course is the cornerstone of the golf club. Members must at all times protect this culture by example and by conducting themselves in a polite, responsible, and respectful manner on the course, in the clubhouse and elsewhere on the Club's premises and when representing the club.
Members will not at any time conduct themselves in a violent, aggressive, abusive, rude, disrespectful, offensive, or dishonest manner towards any fellow member, employee, contractor, guest, or visitor.
Members may make enquiries to club staff and committee members relating to club matters either verbally, via letter or e-mail but must do so in a polite, respectful non-aggressive, or confrontational tone and manner and must respect that the response will be based on the best interests of the entire club and membership and not any individual or group.
Members will not bring the Club into disrepute nor harm the good name of the Club. Acts deemed to bring the Club into disrepute include, but are not limited to:
(i) Violation of any regulations of the Club.
(ii) Conduct which is disruptive, incompatible with or disagreeable to Members, their families or guests, employees of the club or anyone working on behalf of the club. This includes rude, disrespectful, discourteous, or aggressive behaviour.
(iii) A serious, and/or consistent, breach of the Rules of Golf or the Club's Dress Code.
(iv) Destruction or defacing, theft, damaging of and/or removal of Club property.
(v) Criminal conviction for an offence or offences detrimental to the Club's reputation.
(vi) Publishing of comments or pictures via social media platforms, or any other such activity which may cause harm to the reputation of the club, it's members or employees.
Any known or perceived infringement of the rules of conduct shall be referred to the Captain's Committee for consideration or further investigation or action, which may result in suspension or expulsion from the club.
The Club members have agreed a set of Core Values as determined by the members. These Core Values provide the framework which helps maintain and protect the culture within the Club, built up over many years. They also set out the behaviours expected of everyone involved with North Hants Golf Club.
INTEGRITY - Demonstrate integrity at all times when at the Club or representing the Club.
SPORTSMANSHIP - Display good sportsmanship at all times.
KINDNESS - Display care and kindness to other members and employees at all times
ONE CLUB - ONE MEMBERSHIP - It is about the Club and not the individual.
BLAME IS NOT OUR GAME - We look for solutions not blame and we understand that the solution should always represent the best outcome for all members.
RULES - Respect the rules of the Club & the Game at all times and understand they are there to enhance the experience for all.
NURTURING GROWTH - We encourage the next generation of golfers by welcoming and nurturing both juniors and beginners into the Club for the good of the game.
SUSTAINABILITY - We work hard to protect the environment and use sustainable solutions and products wherever possible.
EQUALITY, DIVERSITY & INCLUSION - We encourage and promote a diverse and inclusive environment and treat every member, prospective member, and visitor as equals.
RESPECT - Treat fellow members, employees, guests, and the golf course with respect at all times.
The Club operates a relaxed but smart dress code on and off the course at all times. This includes areas such as the practice ground.
Clubhouse and Outside Hospitality areas
In the Clubhouse and outside hospitality areas there is an acceptance that smart denim jeans (including blue) but not ripped jeans are permitted.
Men's open toe footwear which is made of sturdier material, such as cork, rope, or leather is permitted other than in the dining room.
Lightweight, plastic beach flip flops are not permitted anywhere.
Socks are not necessary if wearing boat or deck shoes or open toe footwear.
Caps, visors, and hats must not be worn in the clubhouse by ladies or gentlemen.
Golf Course and Practice Ground
Tailored shorts are permitted provided they are worn with single-coloured socks, including trainer socks.
Socks may contain a small, discreet logo only.
Men's shorts must be above the knee.
Cargo pants of any description (including shorts with external pockets), combat trousers and trousers with drawstring waist or legs are forbidden.
T-shirts, beachwear, jeans, and any football/rugby/hockey or numbered sporting shirts or shorts are not permitted.
Men's shirts must at all times be tucked into shorts or trousers.
Trousers must not be tucked into socks.
Tracksuits and wet-weather gear not designed specifically for golf are not permitted.
Hats and baseball caps must have the peak to the front.
As a general rule, any golf apparel or footwear purchased from a professional shop or golf specific retailer may be worn on the golf course.
a) Clubhouse
Summer Clubhouse Bar Service
Monday - Saturday 07.30-22.00 11.00-22.00
Sunday 07.30-20.30 11.00 -20.30
Monday - Friday 08.00-18.00 11.00-18.00
Saturday -Sunday 07.30-18.00 11.00-18.00
The club may open later for member events and functions. The supply of alcohol may only take place in line with our Club Premises Licence which is displayed in the Clubhouse.
In the event of inclement weather the clubhouse may close earlier or catering availability restricted.
Except with the permission of the Captain's Committee or the General Manager, acting on their behalf, who may levy a corkage fee, no wines or other liquors shall be brought into the Club for the private use of a Member.
b) Halfway Hut
The Halfway Hut will be open Seven days a week. Opening hours are published on the front door.
For weekend Board competitions, the Halfway Hut will remain open until the last competitors have passed through.
c) Course
The course will be open each day from 08.00hrs to dusk or at other times specified in the course matrix applicable at the time. No play is allowed before 8 am as per the matrix.
a) Rules of Golf and Play
The Rules of Golf, as approved by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews, shall be the Rules of the Club.
The World Handicap System shall, with such variations as may be observed and made known by the Captain's Committee, be observed by the Club.
It is the responsibility of every golfer to:
i) Know and observe the rules and etiquette of golf.
ii) Play without delay and call through the following match if the ground has been lost to the match in front.
iii) We are a "Ready Golf" Club and adopt the pace of play disciplines for stroke play but not for match play due to the strategy involved between opponents and the need to have a set method for determining which player plays first. Be ready to play to avoid undue delay if it is safe to do so, and you will not breach any etiquette rules.
iv) Leave trolleys at the point of exit of each green and leave the green immediately after each hole has been completed.
(v) Mark the scorecard after leaving the green.
vi) Replace all divots (other than on tees), rake bunkers, and repair pitch marks on the green.
vii) Be aware of and observe all local rules which will be posted in the clubhouse.
viii) Observe and comply with notices on the course regulating the movement of trolleys and buggies.
ix) Adhere to any pace of play guidelines or conditions which the Committee may from time to time introduce.
x) Respect and adhere to any instructions given by the course rangers.
xi) Each player must use their own set of clubs. No sharing is allowed unless specified under the terms of a club competition. Non-members who are accompanying a member to play golf must sign in at the pro shop and pay the appropriate green fee.
b) Tee Reservations and Start Times
With the exception of Matches and Competitions, the Club does not operate a pre-booking system.
There is a ball chute on the 1st and 10th tees and a ball may be placed in the chute only when all players in the match are on the putting green (1st tee) or at the Halfway Hut (10th tee) and ready to play.
Unless specific tee reservations are operative, either for a major event/society or with the approval of the General Manager, all starting must adhere to the approved matrix. This matrix will be published and communicated on the course information board the website and notice boards.
The clock on the information sign adjacent to the first tee is designated the official starting clock.
No play is allowed before 8 am
The last group to tee off before times change must do so early enough for players to clear the green in time for the next time phase to start.
The Matrix will be suspended during Men's and Ladies Competition Start Times.
Any player failing to adhere to the starting matrix times will have no standing on the course and may be asked to leave. At no time may players start at the 13th tee, except when designated in certain competitions. Members playing directly behind all regular competitions should leave one clear hole between their group and the last group of the competition.
c) Alternating
The rule of alternation between matches starting their round and those who have already played 9 holes applies. Those waiting to start their rounds on the 1st and 10th tees must give way to those putting out on the 9th or 18th greens and intending to play on. The group having given way will then take precedence on the tee. Players waiting to start their round must give priority to any Members who are halfway round and playing in a Club Match or Club Competition.
d) Course Maintenance
Course maintenance is carried out on the basis that the first tee time will be 8 am. At all times Members are requested to be courteous to the Green Staff and to allow them to complete their tasks as efficiently as possible. This includes allowing them to complete essential tasks on the hole being played. Times of major course maintenance shall be communicated on the website and through the General Manager's Office.
e) Fixtures
All club fixtures are published and kept updated via the online club diary.
f) Visitors & Members' Guests
(i) Visitors may not be introduced to play on the course on a day fixed for any weekend Club competition, or on any other day notified from time to time, unless specifically authorised by the General Manager, or the Club Professional, or in their absence those with delegated authority within the club office or golf shop.
(ii) Full members may introduce up to three playing guests Monday-Thursday without prior approval
(iii) Full members may introduce up to three playing guests Friday -Sunday and Bank Holidays after 1pm without prior approval
(v) Full members may introduce one guest Friday-Sunday and Bank Holidays before 1pm or up to three guests before 1pm with prior permission from the General Manager or Club Professional, or in their absence those with delegated authority within the club office or golf shop
(vi) Introductory members may introduce playing guests Monday-Thursday at the casual green fee rate.
(vii) Introductory members may introduce up to three playing guests Friday-Sunday and Bank Holidays after 1pm and on a non-competition day at the casual green fee rate with prior permission from the General Manager or the Club Professional, or in their absence those with delegated authority within the club office or golf shop.
(viii) Members are not able to play with guests after the Pro Shop has closed, as it is not possible to sign the guest in.
g) Societies
The principal society days are Tuesday and Wednesday but will be occasionally scheduled on other days if appropriate after due consideration to other commitments and relevant issues by the General Manager and Club Captain and/or Chairman. Visiting Societies shall normally be subject to the Tee Reservation policy set out above, but at the discretion of the General Manager or Assistant Secretary this may be varied. Members are asked to check on the weekly and monthly updates, together with the website, at all times where all specific Society details will be communicated. The regulation allowing Members to alternate shall not apply when Societies have a reservation.
h) Halfway Hut
Golfers stopping at the Halfway Hut must be ready to continue play within 10 minutes of so doing. If the following match does not wish to stop, then it may request to play through the group in front, unless that group is either on the 10th tee or 18th fairway ready to play. Approval must be sought, and such approval should not be unreasonably withheld.
i) Competition Rules
Please refer to the separate competition rules document.
j) Ladies Section
The Ladies Committee will be responsible for running competitions, matches and social events on behalf of the Ladies Section.
Ladies Competitions are normally played on Thursdays and the 1st tee is reserved from 08.00am - 10.30am for that purpose throughout the year, or at other times if specifically requested and agreed in advance. For major events this may be extended, and details will be provided in the weekly diary and tee information sheets. A copy of the Starting Sheet for each competition will be displayed on the board in the entrance hall so that non-competitors may see when the tee is booked and when competitors are likely to take precedence on the 1st and 10th hole.
Other Members are permitted to play on Thursdays outside of the tee times reserved for the Ladies events, but at all times they must allow a reasonable time gap (1 clear hole) behind the last Ladies playing group and may not request to "play through".
k) Handicap Allowances
Handicap allowances are determined by the games governing bodies. An up to date handicap allowance table can be viewed HERE
l) Junior Section
The club encourage junior participation and aim to achieve and maintain a healthy section of up to 75 junior members.
Junior members with playing rights on the course may play at any time and in any format Monday-Thursday. Unless otherwise approved by the General Manager.
The following conditions apply on Fridays, at weekends and on Bank Holidays:
k) Times
(i) Juniors with a handicap of 12 or below may play at any time.
(ii) Juniors with a handicap of 13 or above may play after 2pm between April and October and after 12 noon between November and March.
(iii) For the sake of clarity these conditions apply to the highest handicap in the group. When playing with an adult playing member the time restrictions do not apply.
l) Format
(iv) If accompanied by an adult, Juniors may play at any time and in any format in line with the matrix.
(v) If unaccompanied by an adult, Juniors may only play in two balls in line with the matrix.
(vii) Conditions applying to Juniors entering Club competitions will be determined by the Captain's Committee and shall be displayed on the main notice board of the Club and are highlighted below:
m) Safeguarding of Adults and Children
SafeGolf is a partnership of UK golf bodies committed to promoting a safe and positive environment for all those participating, working and volunteering in the sport of golf. As part of our SafeGolf accreditation we have appointed General Manager, Rob Climas as the Club Welfare Officer and have produced 2 safeguarding polices that we as a club adhere to and we ask all members to be aware of which are displayed in the clubhouse and via the club website.
If you have any queries or concerns regarding the SafeGolf policy please direct them to the Club Welfare Officer, Rob Climas.
n) Members Buggies
Please refer to the separate buggy policy document.
o) Members' Remote-control trolleys
Any member using a remote-controlled electric trolley is expected to do so in a way which does not upset or intimidate other members. An example of this would be sending the trolley up to the next tee, when other members are teeing off, before having completed their current hole. Additionally, members are expected to control their trolley in a sensible manner and not spin them in circles either on or off the course to demonstrate their remote control as this can be unsafe, and cause damage to playing surfaces.
p) Course Closure Policy
Members and Visitors must adhere to the course closure policy at all times.
q) Dogs
Dogs may not be brought onto the course by Members on competition days during play of that competition. (except assistance dogs)
A competition is as defined by the Captain's Committee and shall include any Club or Open stroke play or team Competition. This rule refers in general to competitions which are scheduled for at least half of a full day.
Dogs must be kept under strict control at all times by the relevant Member, who is responsible for removing any excrement caused by the dog from the Club premises.
Dogs may not be brought into the clubhouse at any time (except assistance dogs)
a) Motor Cars & Bicycles
Motor cars shall not stand in front of the Clubhouse, or on the roadway surrounding the Clubhouse, but shall be parked in the car park. Members are requested to display their current car window sticker at all times. Members wishing to leave their cars at the Club for off-site business or social reasons must register their car registration number with the club office and must park in bottom left corner of the overflow car park. The club may give notice to restrict parking for off-site activities at any time.
Any member found to have shared their car sticker with a non-member for the purposes of parking in the club car park for off-site activities will be subject to disciplinary proceedings, in line with club rules and articles of association.
Bicycles shall not be left in front of the Clubhouse, or on the roadway surrounding the Clubhouse, but shall be placed in the frame provided for them by the Clubhouse.
b) Gratuities
Small gratuities may be made by Members to employees at their discretion in appreciation of services of a "˜waiting' nature provided on Club premises. The Captain's Committee may, at their discretion, collect gifts or money for the Club employees generally or for a particular employee on a special occasion. All tips are shared equally amongst relevant employees via their monthly payslip in line with HMRC guidelines.
c) Membership Levy Card
Members may not request to charge clubhouse transactions to another members levy card at any time. Any request of this nature will be refused. Only the individual account holder may authorise a transaction.
d) Notices
No paper, placard, or notice, written or printed, shall be posted or displayed in the Clubhouse without the prior approval of the General Manager and no notice shall be altered, amended, disfigured or defaced.
e) Settlement of Accounts
Members shall pay every expense they incur in the Clubhouse or upon the Club's premises on the due payment date.
f) Mobile Phone, Laptops and Tablets
Mobile phones shall not be used for incoming or outgoing calls at any time in the Clubhouse and the immediate surrounds. They may be used in the car parks and must at all times be in silent ring mode on the course where they may be used for emergency calls only and with the consent of playing partners.
Wi-Fi connection is available in the Clubhouse. Laptops, tablets, and smart phones may be used discreetly in the Clubhouse to obtain/send information. Members and visitors wishing to use the Wi-Fi for prolonged business or social use should request to use a private room.
g) Club Logo
The North Hants Golf Club logo is Copyright Protected. Registration number 284750593. Its use is authorised for the Head Professional only who may order stock items displaying the logo for resale. Any items which display the North Hants Golf Club Logo may only be sourced via the Head Professional or directly with the Club Office.
h) Smoking
Neither Smoking or vaping is allowed anywhere inside the clubhouse or outbuildings.
i) Restricted areas
Members may not enter areas of the clubhouse marked as 'Staff Only'. This includes all back of house areas and the kitchen.
j) Complaints and Suggestions
Complaints should be made in writing to the General Manager who will either settle them and/or bring them to the notice of the Captain's Committee.
Under no circumstances is a Member entitled to reprimand a member of the Club Staff.