
North Hants Golf Club

Buggy Policy 


The purpose of this document is to establish a standard for the safe operation of all ride-on buggies operated on the Course at North Hants Golf Club. The document also sets out the criteria to be adopted and conditions to be met for their use.

The Club has a small number of buggies available for hire and they can be booked in advance, by telephoning the Professional on 01252 616655.  Any booking is subject to restrictions that may be imposed owing to the condition of the Course. No guarantee can be given that a buggy will be available unless it has been pre-booked.

18 Hole Hire Rates 

Visitor £40.00

Member £25.00

Disabled Buggy £5.00 - See Dedicated Disabled Buggy Use section below.


In normal conditions, there is no restriction on the use of ride on buggies other than in certain areas of the Course. In some circumstances, however it may be necessary to restrict their use (see Buggy Restrictions).

Use of a ride-on buggy will not be allowed unless authorised by the Pro shop (in the first instance) or the Manager on Duty. Any person who operates a ride-on buggy on the Golf Course is deemed by so doing, to have the knowledge, training, and skill to safely operate the vehicle and be fully accountable for their actions and the consequences thereof.

The safe operation of ride-on buggies on the Course requires conscientious application and adherence to the minimum standard of care prescribed by this policy.

Ride-on buggies must be operated in accordance with the requirements of the Golf Buggy Safety Policy and all those who hire a buggy will be required to sign a disclaimer with the Pro Shop prior to play.

The Pro shop or Manager on Duty reserves the right to refuse permission if some or all of the conditions stipulated are not met. 

Buggy Restrictions

The Club staff may determine that the state of the Course or the weather is such that safety on, or the condition of the Course may be unacceptably compromised if a ride-on buggy is used. This might apply to the whole or just part of the Course. Potentially unsuitable conditions include water logging, frost, etc.

When restrictions are in place North Hants Golf Club acknowledges it has a duty to disabled persons under that act to “make reasonable adjustment”.  North Hants Golf Club will establish what reasonable adjustments shall be made to enable disabled players on buggies to access safely, and enjoy our facilities without risk to themselves or others.

The reasonable adjustments may comprise some, or all the following practices;

  • Clearly defined routes identifying safe access where it is deemed necessary;
  • Restricting access to sensitive areas;
  • The introduction of pathways where reasonably practicable;
  • 90-degree rule for traffic management (travel in the rough until level with the ball); - please adopt this rule by default during periods. where a 'carry only' restriction is in place and buggy use has been granted for players with a disability.
  • A composite golf course layout if deemed safe and practicable.
  • Some areas of the golf course and property may be restricted by using geofencing technology.

Notwithstanding North Hants Golf Club's duties to make  reasonable adjustment, we acknowledge that our primary obligation is to the safety of all users of the facility, this factor overrides all other considerations.


Buggies may be used in competition play by those suffering from a disability within the meaning of section 6 of The Equality Act 2010. 

In exceptional circumstances those with short term injuries which are not covered by disability may be given permission to use a buggy in competition play. A medical certificate must be required before permission is granted. 

For general guidance on  Modifications for Players with Disabilities please refer to Rule 25 of the rules of golf.

Conditions of Hire (disclaimer to be completed prior to use)

  • I (the hirer) confirm that I am 17 years or over and hold a full driving licence. I am fully conversant with the safe operation of a golf buggy. Instructions how to operate the buggy can be found in the buggy.
  • I (the hirer) confirm that I am not under the influence of drink or drugs.
  • I agree that during the period of the hire, I am personally responsible for any and all costs or claims arising out of damage or injury to the golf buggy, a third party, or any property, and for any injury sustained by the hirer.
  • Please note that North Hants Golf Club (The Club) will not accept responsibility or liability for any damage sustained or caused by the hirer/driver during the period of the hire.
  • I accept that the golf buggy should be driven carefully and responsibly at all times. It is prohibited to drive the golf buggy onto or across tees and greens and not between bunkers and greens using pathways where provided. I will not use aggressive braking on the fairways.
  • I will apply the parking brake at all times when the golf buggy is at rest and ensure the golf buggy is parked safely when unattended.
  • I will not drive the buggy onto greens, approaches, tees, bunkers, heather areas or any uneven area of the golf course.
  • I will adhere to any restrictions in place due to health & safety. 
  • I will return the buggy and key at the end of my round.
  • Failure to comply with these conditions of hire may lead to the hirer and his/her playing partners being asked to leave the course.

During use

  • At no time shall the vehicle carry more than 2 passengers and 2 sets of clubs
  • Do not move off until the occupants are seated
  • Always remain seated and hold on while the vehicle is in motion
  • Hands, feet, and head must be kept inside the buggy at all times while the vehicle is in motion
  • Ride-on buggies must not be driven in prohibited areas
  • The vehicle must be used to progress the game and must not be driven up and down excessively, e.g., when looking for golf balls
  • The vehicle must not be used on tees, heather, greens or the slopes leading up to them
  • The vehicle must not be used within 5 metres of any green, bunker, ditch or slopes leading to them except when using the designated bridges or paths or between green and bunkers
  • Check the area behind the vehicle before reversing
  • Always set the parking brake before leaving the vehicle
  • Always consider the terrain, existing vehicular and pedestrian traffic conditions as well as environmental factors that may affect your ability to operate the vehicle safely
  • Drive the vehicle only as fast as the terrain and safety considerations allow
  • To avoid tipping over, drive the buggy straight up and down severe slopes
  • Slow down before corners.
  • All turns must be executed at reduced speeds
  • Avoid sudden stops or changes of direction that may result in loss of control
  • Be extra careful when the Course is wet and muddy

After Use

  • Make sure the parking brake is engaged
  • Return the key to the Pro Shop who will check for any damage. If after 6pm, return to the Bar.
  • Report any accidents/incidents/near misses that occurred during use.
  • Any damage will be recorded, photographed and a quote supplied to the hirer who will be expected to pay in full.

Disabled Buggy Use

When restrictions are in place, North Hants Golf Club acknowledges it has a duty to disabled persons under that act to “make reasonable adjustments”. North Hants Golf Club will establish what reasonable adjustments shall be made to enable disabled players on buggies to access safely, and enjoy our facilities without risk to themselves or others.

North Hants Golf Club is proud to be one of the first clubs to offer a dedicated buggy for use by those with a disability within the meaning of Section 6 of the Equality Act 2010 and where the player can only manage to play golf with the aid of a golf buggy.

While the dedicated disable buggy is not adapted in any way and the usual safety protocols apply, it is reserved in the first instance for disabled users. The cost of hire is £5 per 18 holes and can be booked up to 5 days in advance, a maximum of one booking per member at any one time. 

There are likely to be occasions when the disabled buggy is unavailable because it has been booked by another disabled user. In this instance, if there is availability in the remaining buggy fleet on the day of play, the professional team will allocate buggies at the £5 rate, subject to availability.

For those who require more certainty, buggies can be pre-booked under the normal booking policy at the standard rate or member rate.

The club will require proof of a disability which necessitates the use of a golf buggy to play golf in order to take advantage of the £5 disabled buggy rate.

Privately Owned Buggies & Ride-On Vehicle

While the club no longer accept new applications for on-site storage of personal buggies or ride-on vehicles. A small number of privately owned buggies and ride-on vehicles remain and are authorised to be kept or stored on the Club premises for an annual fee. Privately owned buggies and ride-on vehicles are for the sole use of the owner only and under no circumstances are they to be lent or hired out to third parties.

Users of privately owned buggies do so entirely at their own risk. North Hants Golf Club will not accept liability for any loss or damage to the privately owned buggies or any other property arising from the negligence of the Club or any of its servants or agents.

All private buggy owners must be 17 years of age or older and hold a full valid driving license.

In respect of Privately Owned Buggies, users must maintain up to date insurance providing cover for third party risk of at least £1,000,000 (one million pounds).

Members and Visitors are required to respect and adhere to the above rules and any decisions at all times in accordance with the North Hants Golf Club Rules and Regulations.

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Minley Road, Fleet, Hampshire GU51 1RF
Office: 01252 616443 | Email:

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